Example Data Distributions
When applying Innovation Accounting, we need to understand and describe the likelihood of certain events occurring. For example, the likelihood of a customer purchasing our product, a user returning, a sponsor donating money, or reducing the carbon impact of our product. All of these events can be described by a distribution. Graphs of data distributions allow you to easily see the likelihood and magnitude of an event, usually sequenced from smallest to largest, and the frequency with which they appear. Once a distribution function is identified, it can be used as a shorthand for describing and calculating related quantities, such as likelihoods of observations.Ā Use this template to familiarize yourself with the different shapes a data distribution may take.

When to Use It
Use this template when:
- You need a sandbox to familiarize yourself with different distributions and their shapes to better understand the possibilities and probabilities that your experiment data (for example, your financial model) may take.
- Taking our Innovation Accounting Program, where other related principles and topics are covered in more detail.
Who Should Use It
Best for practitioners looking to build out a predictive financial model for a new project.
How It Works
Example Data Distributions Instructions
Read through the template from top to bottom and fill out sections as you go.
Authors and Contributors

Tristan Kromer
Tristan Kromer works with innovation teams and leaders to create amazing products and build startup ecosystems. He has worked with companies from early stage startups with zero revenue to enterprise companies with >$1B USD revenue (Unilever, Swisscom, Salesforce, Fujitsu, LinkedIn).
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